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This is the main page for articles and pictures on animals, mostly pets. Having pets can take up much of our time because pets need to be taken of every day. They need to be fed, cleaned and so on. Apart from that, they must have a place to stay and that place must be kept clean too to prevent them from falling sick. Before having pets as hobby, you must make sure that you have the time and heart to take care of them.

Some pets are easier to take care of than others. For example, having fishes as pets is easier because fishes can go without food for a few days when you go for holidays. Also 'food release timer' can be used. Fishes can eat water plants too. So, water plants can be added to the aquarium for the fishes to eat apart from making the aquarium looks nice. The aquarium water does not need be changed often, one and a half to two months once will do if the water filtering system is good and the fishes are not overfed. However, it is good practice to change 25% of the tank 2 weeks once.

Mammals are harder to take care because they need to be fed every day, need to be house trained and cleaned. Remember, they need your tender loving care and the responsibility is much heavier. The cost of keeping them can be quite expensive. So I recomend having fishes as pets. In the future, I will put more pictures of my fishes apart from what I did for my fishes and their home.

I have three fish tanks since mid 2007, one big tank for big fish Pink-tail Shark / Maroon Shark / Sultam fish (cyprinids), one hospital tank for gold fish (cyprinids) and one small tank for small fishes and water plants. This is written by a hobbist from her experience in keeping fishes and not an expert in fishes nor water plants. Therefore, many advices here may not be applicable to you like many articles and books that I have read which I found them not true.
About Big Tank
Big Tank

About Hospital Tank
Hospital Tank

About Small Tank
Small Tank

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