  1. Police and Ambulance
  2. Fire
  3. Rescue
  4. Intenational Operator
  5. Penang Befrienders
  1. 999
  2. 994
  3. 991
  4. 101
  5. 04-2815161
Places of Interest in Penang
  1. Tourist Info Centre
  2. Tourist Info, Airport
  3. Penang Tourism Office
  4. Pg Hill Railway : Top
  5. Kek Lok Si Temple
  6. Penang Museum
  7. Reclining Buddha
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  1. 04-2614461
  2. 04-6430501
  3. 04-2610058
  4. 04-8299412
  5. 04-8283317
  6. 04-2613144
  7. 04-2268503
2010 Calendar of Events,
Map of Malaysia,
Road Distances,
UTC Clock,
Google Map,
Google & Yahoo Search,
Convert Currency,
Penang / Malaysia Public Service
  1. Complaints Bureau
  2. Customs, Penang
  3. Immigration, Penang
  4. Postal Services
  5. National Courier Services, Rates
  6. Railway Station and schedule
  7. Ferry, Penang Island
  8. Flight Info
  9. Taxi, Weld Quay
  10. Penang Library
  1. 04-2636893
  2. 04-2622411/2
  3. 04-2503419
  4. 04-3337480
  5. 04-2631972
  6. 04-2610290
  7. 04-2102363
  8. 04-6430373
  9. 04-2625721
  10. 04-2298555
Notes :
Summary on Royal Malaysian Customs' Notice advertised in The Star dated 19-Mar-2007
If you provide certain services like Insurance, Car Park, Consultancy, Advertising, Dance Hall, Restaurant and a few other services, you are required to apply for a licence under Service Tax Act 1975. Operating such business without a licence is an offence punishable with a fine not exceeding RM5,000.00 or to imprisonment not exceeding two years or to both.
If you are a manufacturer, you are required to apply for a licence under Sales Tax Act 1972. Manufacturing without a licence is an offence punishable with a fine not exceeding RM5,000.00 or to imprisonment not exceeding 12 months or to both unless given exemption by Finance Minister.
Public Holidays in Malaysia Top
* National Day 31-Aug
* King's Birthday 1st Saturday of Jun
* State Sultan's Birthday/ State Governor's Birthday / Federal Territory's Day 2nd Saturday of Jul (Penang's Gavernor's Birthday)
* Labour Day 01-May
New Year Day 01-Jan
Chinese New Year - 2 days
Hari Raya Puasa - 2 days
Christmas Day 25-Dec
Wesak Day
Hari Raya Haji
If not mistaken, the Chinese, Muslim and Indian people follow their own lunar calendar. Therefore, certain dates are not fixed.
Road Distance (Approx. in miles) Top
60 164 526 32 308 481 680 132 299 575 391 355 340 543 117
60 102 465 92 246 420 619 71 237 525 330 294 279 482 56
164 102 363 195 145 318 517 31 135 415 227 192 177 380 53
526 465 363 558 247 65 531 394 228 430 135 190 186 17 416
32 92 195 558 339 513 712 164 330 610 423 387 372 575 149
308 246 145 247 339 203 429 175 20 335 112 68 61 264 197
481 420 318 65 513 203 487 348 183 375 91 145 141 82 371
680 619 517 531 712 429 487 448 409 100 425 426 405 548 570
132 71 31 394 164 175 348 448 166 450 258 223 208 411 22
299 237 135 228 330 20 183 409 166 310 92 56 42 245 188
575 525 415 430 610 335 375 100 450 310 330 335 315 445 465
391 330 227 135 423 112 91 425 258 92 330 54 51 152 280
355 294 192 190 387 68 145 426 223 56 335 54 21 206 245
340 279 177 186 372 61 141 450 208 42 315 51 21 203 230
543 482 380 17 575 264 82 548 411 245 445 152 206 203 433
117 56 53 416 149 197 371 570 22 188 465 280 245 230 433
I think the distance from northern west coast to northern east coast is shorter now as there is a highway that cuts across the northern region. For distance translation, click here.
Common Emergencies Top
Give electrolyte solution or cold salted water in steady small amount. Fruit juices can also be given unless it is a baby. Don't over drink at one time. Avoid solid food until there is no vomitting for 6 hours. If lying down, move the face to one side. Send the person to the hospital if vomitting more than 24 hours, have blood or bile in the vomit, severe pain and headache. Do not perform activities which cause pain to the sprained area. Apply ice to the area several times a day, but never for more than 10-15 minutes at a time. Wrap the sprained area to reduce swelling - Compression. Cold water will do also. Keep the sprained area as close to the level of the heart as is conveniently possible. Apply appropriate liniment / balm by rubbing the sprained area.
Use constrictive band intended to slow the spread of poison through the lymphatic system and it should be fairly loose. Try to get the poison out of the wound. Wash the wound with permanganate solution to remove poison on the skin. Keep person at rest. Call ambulance. Small minor burns without blister may be held under running water. No treatment is required. Larger burns should be covered and bandage firmly if no blisters. If have blisters, bandage lightly so as not to break it and do not apply anytihng. Seek immediate assistance.
Broken limbs should be immobilised before moving. Broken upper limbs may be secured to the body. Lower limbs may be secured with sticks at both sides or secure to the other leg that is ok. Call an ambulance.
If you feel faint, lie down or sit down and place your head between your knees. If someone else faints, let the person lie down and elevate the legs above the heart level if posible. Check the breathing and make sure that the airway is not blocked. Loosen belts, collars and clothing. Apply friction / rub the limbs upwards to stimulate the person. The person should revive quickly. If the person doesn't regain consciousness within one minute, call emergency medical assistance. If wound is not big, press on the wound with a piece of gauze, etc. to stop the bleeding. Wash around the wound, apply bandage firmly to stop the bleeding. If the wound is big, apply direct pressure, elevate the limb or wound above the heart, use pressure point to slow the artery above the injury and bandages. Tourniquet is a last resort method of bleeding control and should be done by emergency medical people. Call the ambulance.
Prefix names, symbols and descriptions Top
atto a 10-18 one million million millionth : 0.000,000,000,000,000,001
femto f 10-15 one thousand million millionth : 0.000,000,000,000,001
pico p 10-12 one million millionth : 0.000,000,000,001
nano n 10-9 one thousand millionth : 0.000,000,001
micro u 10-6 one millionth : 0.000,001
milli m 10-3 one thousandth : 0.001
centi c 10-2 one hundredth : 0.01
deci d 10-1 one tenth : 0.1
deka (deca) da 101 ten : 10
hecto h 102 one hundred : 100
kilo k 103 one thousand : 1,000
myria my 104 ten thousand : 10,000
mega M 106 one million : 1,000,000
giga G 109 one thousand milion : 1,000,000,000
tera T 1012 one million milion : 1,000,000,000,000
petz P 1015 one thousand million milion : 1,000,000,000,000,000
exa E 1018 one million million milion : 1,000,000,000,000,000,000
Metric Conversion Top
Inches (2.54 cm) Centimetres Ounces (28.3495 gm) Grams
0.3937 1 2.5400 0.0352 1 28.3495
0.7874 2 5.0800 0.0705 2 56.6990
1.1811 3 7.6200 0.1058 3 85.0485
Yards (0.9144 m) Metres Pounds (0.45359 kg) Kilograms
1.0936 1 0.9144 2.2046 1 0.4535
2.1872 2 1.8288 4.4092 2 0.9071
3.2808 3 2.7432 6.6138 3 1.3607
Miles (1.60934 km for land) Kilometres Long Tons (1016.046 kg) Kilograms
0.6213 1 1.6093 0.0009 1 1016.0469
1.2427 2 3.2186 0.0019 2 2032.0938
1.8641 3 4.8280 0.0029 3 3048.1407
Sq. Inches (6.4516 cm2) Sq. Centimetres Sq. Feet (0.092903 m2) Sq. Metres
0.1550 1 6.4516 10.7639 1 0.0929
0.3100 2 12.9032 21.5278 2 0.1858
0.4650 3 19.3548 32.2917 3 0.2787
Acres (0.404686 ha) Hectares ( km2) Sq. Miles (2.5899 km2) Sq. Kilometres
2.4710 1 0.4046 0.3861 1 2.5899
4.9421 2 0.8093 0.7722 2 5.1799
7.4131 3 1.2140 1.1583 3 7.7699
Cu. Feet Cu. Metres UK Pints (0.568 l) Litres
35.3146 1 0.0283 1.7597 1 0.5682
70.6293 2 0.0566 3.5195 2 1.1365
105.9440 3 0.0849 5.2792 3 1.7047
Cu. Yards Cu. Metres UK Gallons (4.456 l) Litres
1.3079 1 0.7645 0.2199 1 4.5460
2.6159 2 1.5291 0.4399 2 9.0921
3.9238 3 2.2936 0.6599 3 13.6382
Weights and Measures Top
12 inches ... 1 foot 144 square inches ... 1 square foot
3 feet ... 1 yard 9 square feet ... 1 square yard
5.5 yards ... 1 rod 30.25 square yards ... 1 square rod
40 rods ... 1 furlong 40 square rods ... 1 rood
8 furlongs ... 1 statute mile 4 roods ... 1 acre
3 miles ... 1 league 640 acres ... 1 square mile
1,728 cubic inches ... 1 cubic foot 27 11/32 grains ... 1 dram
27 cubic feet ... 1 cubic yard 16 drams ... 1 ounce
128 cubic feet ... 1 cord (wood) 16 ounces ... 1 pound
40 cubic feet ... 1 ton (shipping) 25 pounds ... 1 quarter
2,150.42 cubic inches ... 1 standard bu 4 quarters ... 1 cwt
231 cubic inches ... 1 US standard gal 2,000 pounds ... 1 short ton
1 cubic foot ... about 0.8 of a bushel 2,240 pounds ... 1 long ton
60 seconds ... 1 minute 4 gills ... 1 pint
60 minutes ... 1 degree 2 pints ... 1 quart
30 degrees ... 1 sign 4 quarts ... 1 gallon
90 degrees ... 1 quadrant 31.5 gallons ... 1 barrel
4 quadrants or 360 ... 1 circumference 2 barrels ... 1 hogshead
2 pints ... 1 quart ...
8 quarts ... 1 peck ...
4 pecks ... 1 bushel ...
36 bushels ... 1 chaldron ...

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