Kayuh Lasak 2006 was an event for mountain cycling with no time limit. This event was not a competition, just for people to participate in 'mountain cycling'. Upon completion of the ride, the participants were given a medal.
Rotating Logos

The left first row photo shows the route of the ride. The starting point and finishing point was at Youth Park / Penang Municipal Park.

The second row photos was taken at Air Itam Dam. The cyclists were on their way to Tiger Hill from Air Itam Dam. Eeh! There was a thin broken tree branch across the road (as seen in the left photo).

The last photo shows a cyclist riding down the hill slope in Youth Park / Penang Municipal Park. This was where they came down, back to the finishing point in Youth Park / Penang Municipal Park.
Cycle Route
Cycle Route
Event Start Place
Event Start Place
Going To Tiger Hill
Going To Tiger Hill
Coming down to Air Itam Dam
Coming down to Air Itam Dam
Penang Municipal Park Slope to End Point
Slope to End Point

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