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Dragon Dance is a Chinese cultural dance. This dance is usually done during a special / auspicious day to a company or organisation. It is usually perform by a group of people from a martial art organisation, just like Lion Dance. This service is not free. It has a fee in the form of 'angpow'. However, it is not as popular Lion Dance partly because of the history / story behind Dragon Dance which I do not know. Hehe.

In this dance, the dragon will chase a ball(pearl). A person will hold the stick which has the ball(pearl) stuck to it. The dragon has a few sticks (9 to 10, I guess) stuck to the dragon so that the performers can make the dragon 'fly' after the 'ball'.

The dragon as seen in the photos looks very nice. With good lighting effect, it looks like fire. Some photos were a little blur because the performer moved fast. This can be seen from the right second row photo where the dragon's tail looks like it is on fire. This was because the performers at the back moved very fast.
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Dragon Dance Photo 1

Dragon Dance Photo 2

Dragon Dance Photo 3

Dragon Dance Photo 4

Dragon Dance Photo 5

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