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Penang Satay
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Satay is supposed to be a Malay food if not mistaken. It is like barbecue where some meat like chicken, beef or mutton are put into a thin stick to be barbecued over 'coal fire'. Usually the hawker will put them on iron grill which has 'coal fire' below it. Then he will fan the fire so that the satay can get cooked faster.
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Satay is usually served a chili nut sauce, cucumber and big onions. It is quite delicious and it is good to have a change in food at times. The photos show some chicken satay which is normally RM0.50 to RM0.60 per stick (year 2013 price).

Ketupat is usually sold together by Satay stalls. Ketupat is made from rice wrapped inside some 'woven leaves' and then steamed. The picture on the right shows the satay served with ketupat with the sauce/curry poured over the ketupat. The price of one ketupat is normally RM1.00 (year 2013 price).
Penang Satay
Penang Satay
Penang Satay
Penang Satay with Ketupat

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