Music, Songs and Dance are art, to me, more of performing arts which have expressions, feelings and very 'importantly' rules and yet give people the freedom to express themselves in many ways. Music has lots of theories just like Dance has many types. They can be a great hobby regardless of age. For people who like to stay indoor, away from the sun, should take up dancing as a form of exercise. For older people who have lots of free time and like to socialise or / and exercise at the same time, dancing is a good hobby, especially ball room dancing which may be a little slower. Young people can also take up dancing as a hobby instead of going for outdoor activities. Music and Dance classes are not cheap but I think there are some senior citizen groups or non-profit organisations which teach people for free, just for fun and oh yes, this applies to dance classes only, never heard of free music classes except in schools.
Music and Songs
I can sing, hum and whistle but I don't know music. So, don't ask me about music theory. However, I can ripped music apart if they are in the right type because I have the software to so it and I can read simple notes. Everyone can learn to read simple notes in less than five minutes.
  1. Free music actually I took them from the internet. I didn't see any licence. So, I do not know if they are legitimate but the author name is inside the music file.
  2. Free mono SMS music, ehm, I a 'SMS composer' can make mono SMS music from the music that I ripped from the music above. My handphone, ehm, 017-4079672, is using my own music. Oh, this link is not available yet.
Rotating Logos

Dance, hah, I say everyone can dance, just how well. Dancing is moving body parts, from head to legs. Dancing steps are simple to learn and follow. However, when it comes to dance competition, I always like to say people as hard as wood and they think they can dance.
  1. Nescafe Kick Start Yr 2007
  2. Break Dance    Joo Nee, winner of Nescafe Kickstart 2007 organised a break dance competition on 07 April 2007. I did not get the result but got a few shots which I made into slide show.
  3. Line Dance    Twinkle Toast group said they organise line dance almost every month. It seems that their (different instructors) fees are not expensive for beginner's course. This group consist of mainly middle age and above people. They have 'branches' all over Penang.
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