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There are sites to get free music but I cannot remember where. Those free music are a little like free software because they can be downloaded and recomposed , then what, I am not sure. I guess you will have to find out yourself. I might too, but it will take a long time before I do that.

As mentioned earlier, music is a form of art and I am not an 'arts' person. I don't hack but I like to rip music to remove the unnecessary 'noise', music to people but noise to me. On the right are some songs that I downloaded from the internet ( Sunncity ) about 2 years ago. I do not know about their licences and copyright issues because they were not stated or maybe I did not look for them. Kindly let me know if I am not allowed do all these things to those music.

Downloaded Music Ripped Music - by YYOng

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