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Teluk Kumbar is situated next to Batu Maung area, south of Penang Island. This area is a fishing village. People seldom go there for picnics and tourists do not come to this area because there are no hotels here.

The first four photos were taken along Teluk Kumbar area. The first row photos shows a beach area before reaching the Teluk Kumbar town. The second row photos were taken at the beach behind Hai Boey Restaurant that is after the town. When I took the two photos behind Hai Boey, there were many strange 'small sea cucumber' washed up dead on the beach.

The next four photos were taken along Gertak Sanggul area. This is also a fishing village. The third row photos were taken near a sort of 'torn-down' temple. The last row photos were taken at the end of Gertak Sanggul. The end of Gertak Sanggul beach is a very nice place to relax, have picnics and swim.

However, people who go to the beaches here are mostly the people staying around the area. Lastly, like most Penang beaches, these beaches are open to all and entrance is FREE cause there is no entrance or door. Haha. Just remember to Keep Penang Clean. Thank you for visiting.
Coming events - none
Teluk Kumbar
Photo of Teluk Kumbar
Teluk Kumbar
Photo of Teluk Kumbar
Beach behind Hai Boey
Photo of Beach behind Hai Boey
Beach behind Hai Boey
Photo of Beach behind Hai Boey
Beach near Temple Area
Photo of Beach near Temple Area
Beach near Temple Area
Photo of Beach near Temple Area
Beach at end of Gertak Sanggul
Photo of Beach at end of Gertak Sanggul
Beach at end of Gertak Sanggul
Photo of Beach at end of Gertak Sanggul

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